While researching alternative ways to write binary files via office macros, I stumbled accross a hidden gem: The Microsoft Speech API. Apparently, this API exposes COM objects, which enables you to call it from VBA.
As the original research purpose was to identify new ways to write binary files from maldocs, the first step was to identify interesting COM objects. Several interesting targets stood out, but this article will focus on SAPI.SpFileStream.1. The identified COM object appeared to have a method to write to a file.
To learn how to dump COM objects, refer to ired.team.
// COM Object
TypeName: System.__ComObject#{af67f125-ab39-4e93-b4a2-cc2e66e182a7}
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Close Method void Close ()
Open Method void Open (string, SpeechStreamFileMode, bool)
Read Method int Read (Variant, int)
Seek Method Variant Seek (Variant, SpeechStreamSeekPositionType)
Write Method int Write (Variant)
Format Property ISpeechAudioFormat Format () {get} {set by ref}
What if we would use this COM object to write an HTTP response body containing binary data (such as a dll) to a file. The following code snippet The following code snippet could achieve this, when combined with e.g. an xmlhttprequest or winhttprequest COM object.
// Some code
If SendReq.Status = 200 Then
Set objFSTRM = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream.1")
Call objFSTRM.Open(tloc, 3, False)
Call objFSTRM.Write(SendReq.responseBody)
Call objFSTRM.Close
End If
Sadly, the API appeared to add WAV headers to the binary data written to disk. I could not identify a workaround at this time.
However, I kept digging and identified another interesting COM object related to the Speech API: SAPI.SpVoice.1. The Speak method of the Windows SpVoice interface allows you to speak text, even from, VBA as shown here.
At this point, developing a proof of concept was trivial. The idea was to create a simple Word document for a phishing test. The speech should scare the targeted user into never accepting macros again. The result is shown below:
// VBA code
Sub run()
Dim objVOICE As Object
'create SpVoice interface COM object instance
Set objVOICE = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice.1")
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
'Scare the user into thinking this is ransomware
objVOICE.Speak "Phishing alert! Hacker Detected. Pay 1 bitcoin to unlock your computer. Encrypting your files in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1."
'repeat some stuff 10 times
Do While i < 10
objVOICE.Speak "Phishing alert! Hacker Detected."
i = i + 1
'Inform the user about the test, which is the responsible thing to do
objVOICE.Speak "This was a test, you failed."
End Sub
In this article, we identified a way to use the Microsoft Speech API from Office macros and other scripts to talk to users. What to do with it is up to the creativity of the developer! The example in this research covers a potential educational phishing scenario.